Sunday, March 24, 2013

Mail Call

A nice assortment of letters and postcards received this week. It's always a pleasure to receive an envelope from Julie, she sends the prettiest things and has the best handwriting. The gold envelope in the middle is the one I received from her this week. It has such a beautiful shimmer!

Yesterday I replied to all the letters I received this week. Now that LetterMo is over, I reserve my weekends to reply to letters and send the replies out on Monday. It is a nice system, I think! I keep up with all of my replies and haven't been behind at all, so I'm happy. This week I have to kick my butt in gear and collage envelopes.

I went to sign up for the letterpress class I was looking forward to but the class I wanted to take is sold out! Boo! Well, I will keep an eye out for May. It is kind of a relief because I didn't really want to spend the money!